Our Scholarship

Anières. Creating Futures
Anières program is an excellence scholarship program, founded by World ORT in Israel in 2012.
Our scholarship is offered to students from social and geographic periphery studying in premium faculties at the Technion.
The Anières program also provides its participants a skilled team to guide and accompany each and every student, in order to ensure his or her optimal integration academically and socially.
Our students form a strong and supportive community.
That community will always find the doors of the Anières House, located at the heart of the Technion, open for them to enjoy various social activities, lectures and workshops.
Becoming a part of the
Anières Program
here’s what you’ll get:
A Tuition scholarship
A Personal and social support
by our team and the Anières community
Social and cultural activities
(in accordance with Technion criteria)
Anières | Wish to Apply?
In order to apply to the Anières Program you’ll have to meet these criteria:
- Study at the Technion in the following tracks:
- Computer science
- Software engineering
- Data science and engineering
- Information system engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Chemical/biochemical engineering
- Aerospace engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Biotechnology & Food Engineering
- Application is up until the 3rd semester of your studies.
- Challenging socioeconomic background.
Application Form
Please fill your details below and provide the following documents:
- A Short introduction, detailing a bit more about your background
- A Photocopy of your ID
- Details on other funding sources
- An Updated study certificate
- After receiving the requested documents, we will contact you for a personal (yet, friendly) interview.